Digital Workplace Transformation

Our Commitment to Continuing Education on Today’s Technology

Time to read: 1 minute

At Yorktel, our operations team is committed to continuing education on today’s technologies. By keeping abreast of the latest developments in collaboration, digital workplace transformation,...
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Is Your Network Ready to Migrate to MS Teams? | A Yorktel Webinar

Time to read: 2 minutes

The journey to digital workplace transformation requires physical workplace transformation as well.  How so? Join Vishal Brown to discuss the topic: “Migrating to Microsoft Teams:...
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Are You Ready to Embrace the Next-Gen Workplace?

Are You Ready to Embrace the Next-Gen Workplace?

Time to read: 2 minutes

As the concept of “work” continues to evolve, the environment and the technologies used to optimize collaboration, innovation, and productivity become increasingly more valuable. It’s...
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WebRTC and The Remote Workforce Trend

WebRTC and The Remote Workforce Trend

Time to read: 1 minute

We’ve been tracking the progress of WebRTC (real-time communication) since the API standard was first announced by Google two years ago, and in that time...
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