Microsoft Operator Connect is a cloud-based call management solution that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams to reduce the complexity and cost of managing call services. Built on the MS Azure platform, you get high Quality of Service (QoS) to provide resilience and performance.

Understanding Microsoft Operator Connect

Microsoft Operator Connect works with Microsoft Teams and other calling platforms. It provides a range of advanced call handling and routing capabilities to improve communications efficiency.

Key features of Microsoft Operator Connect include intelligent call distribution, call queuing, visual dashboards, and customizable call flows — enabling organizations to optimize the routing of incoming calls to the right people and teams. For example, MS Operator Connect uses algorithms to connect callers to the best-matched agents.

Benefits of Microsoft Operator Connect

Using Microsoft Operator Connect offers several benefits for businesses looking to upgrade their communications.

Improved Customer Experiences

With its intelligent call routing and automated attendants, Microsoft Operator Connect ensures callers reach the appropriate contact every time.

This results in faster resolutions, improved CSAT scores, and superior customer experiences.

Enhanced Agent Productivity

Microsoft Operator Connect makes agents more productive by reducing time spent on manual call transfers. It uses  tools like barge-monitor-whisper to allow managers to coach agents seamlessly.

The availability dashboard in Microsoft Operator Connect provides valuable insights into agent workload and schedules, thereby enabling optimal resource allocation and significantly enhancing agent productivity.

Operational Efficiency

Microsoft Operator Connect centralizes the management of multichannel communications. The administrator portal provides a single pane of glass for call analytics, monitoring quality metrics, and tracking SLAs, boosting overall operational efficiency.

Continuity of Services

With availability monitoring, overflow call groups, and custom event handling rules, organizations can ensure continuity of services despite uncertainties.

Core capabilities continue uninterrupted regardless of call volumes or staff availability.

Cost Savings

With Operator Connect, your provider manages the PSTN calling services and Session Border Controllers (SBCs). As a cloud-based service, you save on both hardware purchases and ongoing maintenance, which are provided by Operator Connect from Microsoft.

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Integration with Microsoft Teams

A key advantage Microsoft Operator Connect offers is its tight integration with Microsoft Teams. As Teams is the hub for collaboration in Microsoft 365, this integration streamlines communications and enhances productivity.

Microsoft Operator Connect populates call details directly within Teams channels. Users have context about the caller before answering. The admin portal allows configuring Teams as a calling channel. Microsoft Teams Room devices can also participate in call queues.

This native integration eliminates the complexity of third-party solutions. IT teams benefit through reduced administration overhead and easier troubleshooting working with a fully integrated solution. For example, you can manage number provisioning directly in the MS Teams portal.

Enhanced Call Routing and Management

MS Operator Connect offers enterprise-grade call routing and management controls tailored to organizational needs.

Call flows can be configured through an intuitive visual editor without coding requirements. Overflow call handling, interactive voice response menus, skills-based routing, location-aware routing, and outbound dialing simplify call control.

Real-time analytics offer insights to improve the experience. Managers have a top-down view of critical SLAs, agent workload distribution, and changing traffic patterns. In addition, rapid diagnostics ensure high reliability and continuity of services.

Cost-Efficiency and Scalability

This solution is extremely cost-effective compared to legacy solutions or provider-based models. As a software as a service (SaaS) model, the total cost of ownership (TCO) is optimized allowing you to pay for what you need right now and scale as you grow.

Because Microsoft Operator Connect does not require on-site servers, there is no infrastructure overhead to manage.

The multi-tenant architecture supports scaling to peak demands without capacity planning. Workloads can burst seamlessly to the cloud when needed to ensure service continuity and optimal caller experiences.

Implementing Microsoft Operator Connect

When onboarding Microsoft Operator Connect, there are a few key steps IT teams need to follow to ensure a smooth roll-out.

  • Plan Activation Strategy: Define your business goals, map call flows, create actionable success metrics, and outline training needs. This helps streamline activation.
  • Configure Administration Portal: Set up the administrator portal to handle key parameters such as telephony channels, locating required skill sets, Teams integration, IVR menus, routing rulesets, dashboards, and reports.
  • Launch Pilot Testing: Test call flows with a small launch group. Gather feedback, address issues, tweak configurations, and customize as needed.
  • Expand to Wider Adoption: With a successful pilot, roll out Microsoft Operator Connect in phases across the organization. Gradually ramp up volumes while continuing to monitor and improve.
  • Drive User Adoption: Encourage adoption by communicating benefits to users through training campaigns. As part of your onboarding and continuing training, explore areas for continuous improvement.

Common Challenges and Solutions

When activating Microsoft Operator Connect, IT teams may face a few different challenges:

Fragmented Legacy Systems

Transitioning from older solutions often involves integrating disparate systems. IT professionals should thoroughly audit existing setups and formulate appropriate migration strategies.

Changing Processes

Adoption issues may arise due to workflows optimized for outdated systems. Define operating models aligned with Microsoft Operator Connect’s capabilities early on.

Lack of Expertise

As a relatively new solution, required skill sets may be unavailable in-house. 

Performance Issues

Inadequate network capacity or congested traffic peaks may impact the quality of service. Ensure networks are ready through rigorous stress testing before going live.

Ongoing Improvements

To sustain performance and deal with evolving needs, institute governance frameworks that periodically optimize configurations, business rules, and user experiences.

Microsoft Operator Connect can revolutionize your communications. Talk to the Microsoft Teams experts at Yorktel today to learn more.

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