A Top IT Consulting Firm & Custom Solutions Provider

Custom End-to-End Guidance to Achieve Your IT Vision

Yorktel’s expert IT Consulting team draws from over four decades of experience helping our customers achieve their strategic business objectives. From hardware to software, from the customer premise to the cloud, Yorktel has earned a reputation as a top IT Consulting firm with intimate knowledge of how to roadmap innovative IT solutions and the expertise to bring those solutions to life.

Who Needs IT Solutions and Enterprise Consulting Services?

Yorktel’s customers come from diverse industries and lines of business, but they all derive measurable benefits from our end-to-end guidance and sometimes brilliantly unconventional approach to problem-solving. Regardless of your business challenges, Yorktel can help achieve your Digital Transformation vision, guiding you every step of the way.

Some Interesting Stats on IT Outsourcing:

  • Revenue of the global ITO industry in 2024 is expected to reach $541 billion (Statista).
  • 70% of companies find outsourcing cost-effective (Radix).

Ready to learn more about Yorktel’s IT Consulting Services?

IT Lifecycle Services for End-to-End Support

Comprehensive Guidance Throughout Your Engagement

Yorktel’s IT Lifecycle Services offer you expertise on a wide range of business services designed to support you at every stage of your project lifecycle. Putting these services in the hands of an external expert can save tremendous time and resources while allowing you to focus on revenue-generating activities.

From large-scale Digital Transformation initiatives to Technology Disposition of individual device components, Yorktel can provide you with the guidance you need to ensure your business initiative is successful.

More Stats on IT Outsourcing

  • 24% of small businesses outsource to improve efficiency
  • The cloud framework supports 90% of companies to embrace more outsourcing opportunities (Source).

Digital Transformation has become a key growth component for today’s enterprises. However, best practices and proven methodologies around how to implement digital workplace solutions in any organization are still being established. A solid Change Management process can make or break the success of your strategic endeavor.

Your Trusted Advisor for a Proven Change Management Process

Yorktel provides end-to-end, hands-on oversight of your digital business transformation through our tried and true Change Management process, honed over our many years of industry expertise. This process is derived from extensive in-house knowledge across multiple technologies and industries. From the most complex multi-hub AV Integration to the hundred-thousand end-user upgrade, our consultative approach ensures your initiative will have hands-on guidance every step of the way.

With high-quality change management techniques in place, your project is six times more likely to meet benchmarks than with leaders that fail to effectively manage both people and processes (Source)

Yorktel’s IT Consulting services include roadmapping your vision, integrating the necessary components, and launching the project—but without a successful user adoption strategy, your initiative is bound to fall flat.

Engage Your User Base to Ensure Success

Yorktel’s User Adoption process involves engaging your user audience and gaining their buy-in for when your initiative is launched. We communicate why the technology is important, who will benefit from it, and how it will impact your user base.

We continue communications throughout your rollout, explaining the quantifiable benefits users will experience as a result of your initiative, so your audience is up-to-date and prepared for the upcoming transition.

Sometimes organizations are hesitant to embrace new technology, but fostering an “environment of experimentation” boosts user adoption, learning, and innovation (Source).

Network Readiness

Yorktel’s Network Readiness Assessments provide the information you need to take the next best step in your technology selection process.

Prepare Your Network for Greatness

Performing a Network Readiness Assessment is a wise first step in your Digital Transformation journey. Understanding the intricacies of your current network, identifying any potential weaknesses, and determining if you have the infrastructure you need to implement your desired solution are all critical factors to consider before selecting your future service or solution.