In a few short years, business communication has changed significantly. As remote work options have become more commonplace since the COVID-19 pandemic, a recent survey from McKinsey found that 58% of Americans have the option to work from home at least one day a week. 

However, one challenge that employers face with distributed teams is maintaining a reliable communication network across the organization. When it comes to voice solutions, traditional landline systems are clearly not up to the task. To ensure that vital communication systems run smoothly, companies require modern day solutions—whether they allow telecommuting or not.

Businesses today are increasingly opting for cloud voice solutions, which enables teams to make and receive calls over the internet. With so many hosted voice services available, it can be difficult to choose the right one. Here are five considerations to keep in mind when selecting cloud voice solutions for your enterprise collaboration needs.


The capabilities of modern cloud-based phone systems allow for a wide variety of custom applications that meet the needs of any business. Because voice services are hosted over the internet, your team can seamlessly communicate with each other from anywhere using common features such as voicemail transcription, call routing, auto-attendant, call recording, and SMS messaging. Another vital feature that is a must-have for distributed teams is support for video conferencing. It is best to create a list of the features that are most important to your business, and then evaluate each solution based on how well it meets those needs.

Compatibility and Integration

Before making a decision, consider how well a cloud-voice solution will fit into your existing technology ecosystem. Making sure that your new voice solution is compatible with your existing infrastructure and software tools is critical to a successful transition. For example, if you have a physical office with employees on-site, you’ll need to make sure you have phone equipment that is compatible with VoIP. Many voice solutions integrate with existing services which can help you automate things like data collection and workflows.

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Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows, your communication needs will change. It’s important to choose a voice solution that is scalable and flexible enough to meet those changing needs. Choose a voice system that can accommodate a growing number of users if you expect your business to expand in the future. Conversely, the ability to scale back the number of voice users without incurring fees or penalties is also important.

Every business is unique, so the ability to pick and choose the features you need without paying for ones you don’t is also something to consider. A flexible hosted voice services provider will be able to work with you to customize the service and ensure that it meets your specific communication needs rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach that isn’t right for you.


The number of cyberattacks against businesses has swelled in recent years, making security a vital part of your decision making process. Make sure you choose a voice solution that offers robust security features, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication. These measures can prevent criminals from hijacking your communications and using it for nefarious purposes. Additionally, consider the vendor’s track record when it comes to security and data privacy. Find out if they have ever been affected by a breach. If so, how did they respond? Look for solutions that have been independently audited and have a proven track record of protecting user data.


Finally, consider the levels of support that the vendor has to offer. A vendor without a track record of solid customer support could leave you hanging if there are technical errors. Having access to such support when you need it is essential. When evaluating vendors consider your anticipated business needs when it comes to support. Will you need help on call 24/7? Does the provider offer adequate training and resources? Some vendors may offer different tiers of support with different levels of pricing. Look for a vendor that offers the right level of support for your operation to ensure that your communication tools are always up and running smoothly. 

Consult with the Voice Solutions Experts at Yorktel

Choosing the right voice solution for your business is a critical decision that can have a significant impact on your communication capabilities. By considering features, compatibility & integration, scalability & flexibility, security, and support, you can make an informed decision that meets the needs of your business both now and in the future. Yorktel can help you evaluate these factors to determine the best option for your business. Contact our certified experts to design and deploy the ideal cloud voice service for you without further delay.

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