For any business to be successful, your employees need to be able to come together to form something more powerful as a collective than they could do as individuals. They shouldn’t work in silos – they need to be free to share data, ideas, and efforts with one another, building on each other’s strengths in a way that would have been unthinkable remotely even as recently as a decade ago.

That, in essence, is what enterprise collaboration and room services are all about. Finally, you can bring your business systems, processes, devices, and people together – all through a bold new era of digital transformation.

Getting to this point on your own isn’t just difficult – in certain cases, it’s legitimately impossible. Thankfully, there is a better solution: managed services. There are a number of essential reasons why, if managed services aren’t already an integral part of your enterprise collaboration strategy, now would be an excellent time to make that a reality.

Why Incorporate Managed Services into Your Collaboration Strategy

Simplify Collaboration Technology Management

When you give people the technology to work anywhere, any time, and on virtually any device that they’re already comfortable with, two things happen. First, everyone is on equal ground – all employees have constant access to the resources they need to work together in new and innovative ways to increase the quality of what they’re capable of as a collective.

But second, your infrastructure gets inherently complex. It’s spread out in so many different directions that even something as straightforward as device management becomes an uphill battle if you’re still trying to do everything in-house.

With managed collaboration services, however, this isn’t something you need to worry about. Everything is handled as a part of your agreement with your third party provider, allowing you to focus on your core operations above all else. It’s an old saying at this point, but that doesn’t make it any less true: you can finally spend less time focusing on the management of your technology so that you can devote more of your attention on putting that technology to work for you and your people.

Receive Technical Expertise for Room Solutions

As your business continues to grow and involve, your collaborative-driven IT infrastructure does the same. Soon, you’ll find that there’s no such thing as a “small problem” anymore if you’re still trying to maintain total in-house control.

But with managed collaboration services, all this changes. You’re not just getting computing resources. You’re also getting access to a team of experts who can manage, troubleshoot, and even optimize room solutions. This is an asset that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. 

These professionals help fill in certain knowledge gaps that may exist in your organization, all with a singular focus: to help guarantee that your technology is always available, and that seamless, reliable collaboration is a forgone conclusion.

Ensure Secure Collaboration

Speaking of seamless collaboration, this segues into another one of the reasons why managed services should become a critical part of your collaboration strategy: security.

According to one recent study, the average cost of a data breach rose to an enormous $4.45 million in 2023. Do not assume that your business can somehow be “too small” to attract the attention of the type of people who wish to do you harm – it can’t be. Every device that is connected to your business’ network and sharing data is a potential vulnerability just waiting to be exploited by someone who knows what they’re doing. Now, when you realize that your collaboration strategy likely involves a lot of devices, you begin to get a sense of just how vast your potential attack surface is.

Thankfully, managed services for collaboration solutions change all that. Absolutely everything you receive as part of your collaboration infrastructure is maintained to the most stringent security standards. This again helps to protect collaborative interactions and data in room solutions across the board.

Scale Enterprise Collaboration Efforts

Finally, we arrive at the subject of scalability – a major pain point for many organizations still trying to build the perfect collaborative infrastructure in-house.

As your business grows, your workforce does the same. New employees need new resources to continue to build that collaborative environment. This means going through the process of research and procuring hardware again. This means setting everything up and maintaining it. This means troubleshooting when issues come up. The more people you have, the more potential issues you’ll have.

Once again, the management of your technology alone becomes incredibly time-consuming. This is if your needs don’t suddenly change as the market around you does the same.

With managed services, however, this is one less thing you have to worry about. Managed services can allow you to effortlessly adapt to the evolving needs of your business, empowering you with scalable room solutions and collaboration tools as required, no matter what.


Simplify Your Enterprise Collaboration Strategy with Managed Services

In the end, embracing managed services is a way to optimize and empower your enterprise collaboration efforts through strategic simplification. It’s not just that managed collaboration services are a better way to handle your computing needs when compared to putting together an infrastructure in-house.

You get a better indication of not only what collaboration technology you need, but how it is being used and managed. You receive technical expertise that you might not otherwise have access to. Factors like security and scalability become a forgone conclusion – they’re not things that you need to spend time worrying about.

This all makes managed services not only an efficient way to improve your room solutions management, but a foundational element for your enterprise collaboration strategy as well. As a dedicated MSP with years of experience helping organizations like yours, these are concepts we’ve always been big believers in at Yorktel. We’d like nothing more than to help you enjoy all the benefits of this process with as few of the potential downsides as possible.

If you’d like to learn more about why managed services are essential to your enterprise collaboration strategy, or if you’re eager to find out about how partnering with Yorktel managed services can benefit your business moving forward, please don’t delay – contact us today.

Let’s Reimagine Collaboration, together.

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