With the enormous shift to hybrid working that has taken place in recent times, organizations have had to ensure their communication solutions are not only facilitating their employees to work from wherever, but also actively enabling next-level collaboration.

For organizations that understand the importance of being able to communicate and collaborate seamlessly via voice, video, email, and instant message, the decision to take advantage of Unified Communications monitoring software was an easy one to make.

But while Unified Communications enables business users to work smarter and be more productive, sometimes, a lack of comprehensive monitoring can lead to issues that could potentially undermine the solution by going undetected. 

The Business Impact of Unified Communications Issues

UC tools need to be performing at their best all of the time. Even the slightest degradation of service can have a significant impact. The biggest problem is that it’s too late to realize your Unified Communications tools have issues after a failed meeting.

Whether it’s internal or external communication, not being able to effectively collaborate during a meeting due to undetected software or hardware issues will have a significant impact on both an organization’s effectiveness and reputation.

Internally, the biggest impact of Unified Communications service issues is the impact they can have on employee productivity. Instead of having a productive meeting, users can end up spending their time trying to fix issues, getting inevitably frustrated in the process. Such scenarios can lead to a lack of trust in the system and end-users becoming reluctant to rely on it in the future. Your organization will then need to spend time and effort restoring trust in your implemented solution or see its adoption levels wane.

Externally, Unified Communications service issues can lead to a poor experience for customers and potential customers. As a result, the organization doesn’t stand to just see its reputation negatively impacted, but also its revenue. After all, communication problems could be the difference between securing a new customer or not.

This is where Unified Communications Monitoring comes in.

What is Unified Communications Monitoring?

Unified Communications monitoring is designed to afford greater insights into how the entire collaboration solution is performing by proactively monitoring in real-time, using a multitude of data points and analytics metrics.

With a Unified Communications monitoring platform, your organization will never have to wonder if its core communication solution is consistently performing at optimum levels. For your IT admins, this reality means they can focus their time and effort on the tasks that add genuine value to your organization, not putting out fires. 

Best Practices for UC&C Productivity

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The 3 Main Benefits of Real Time Monitoring

By taking advantage of a real-time managed monitoring service, organizations can afford a number of benefits but here are three of the main ones:

Real Time Monitoring Insights:

With a managed monitoring service, your organization will benefit from always knowing exactly how your Unified Communications solution is performing. Should any drops in service quality be seen, investigation and remediation can begin immediately – potentially before the issue causes noticeable problems for your end-users.

Identify Improvement Opportunities:

Real time monitoring also allows for improvement opportunities to be identified. If issues are constantly associated with a particular element of your Unified Communications solution, steps can be taken to identify the root cause and remedy it permanently. Moreover, the constant stream of real time events derived from your solution can help drive your organization’s decision-making.

An All-In-One Solution:

Many Unified Communications solutions comprise hardware and software from multiple vendors. This usually means that a range of monitoring tools and subject matter experts are needed to stay on top of everything. But with fully integrated Unified Communications monitoring, your IT admins can keep track of your entire solution in one place, using a consolidated dashboard. Such a vendor-agnostic setup allows your organization to pinpoint issues no matter where they occur and act to resolve them as soon as possible.

Unified Communications Monitoring Tools Are Now Essential

Your Unified Communications solution is at the beating heart of your organization. It not only allows your business users to seamlessly collaborate – regardless of their physical location – but also connects your organization globally. That’s why ensuring such solutions are consistently performing at their best is paramount for your organization and its business users’ success.

The bottom line is having Unified Communications monitoring software is no longer “nice to have”, rather it is essential.

Interested in learning more about how our UC monitoring tools and our range of managed support services can benefit your organization? Contact Us and talk to one of our specialist UC professionals to find out more.

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