Throughout 2020 and 2021, the global pandemic has forced businesses worldwide to enable and support remote work options for their employees which, in turn, puts enterprise monitoring at the core of the shift.

A FlexJobs survey quoted by says that 65% of the over 2,100 people surveyed reported that they wanted to work from home full-time when the pandemic is truly over. An additional 33% said they wanted a hybrid work arrangement allowing them to work remotely when they choose. Many respondents said they are more productive and that team collaboration is more effective when working from home.

Although it is ultimately up to employers if and how to implement remote work options, it is clear that there is a compelling need to implement IT endpoint, infrastructure, audiovisual (AV), and IT monitoring services for both office-bound and remote employees.

Fortunately, businesses and managed service providers can leverage services like Microsoft Endpoint Manager for their enterprise monitoring needs to ensure systems are:

  • Secure and protected from viruses and malware.
  • Configured and equipped with the suitable applications for users based on their roles.
  • Up-to-date with the latest operating system and application patches and upgrades.

Many businesses have limited IT management resources and struggle to handle the workload required to keep endpoints and teams securely connected. A centralized IT monitoring service directly addresses this dilemma, freeing up internal IT resources for more extensive projects. The efficiencies generated by a consolidated IT monitoring solution can ease the burden of time-consuming tasks such as updating and managing laptop and desktop computers, mobile devices, productivity applications like Office 365, cloud platforms, and more.

Let’s explore how a centralized IT monitoring service for all your endpoints, assets, and applications can help your remote and on-site employees stay productive and engaged. This will empower them to deliver your desired results.

Device and IT  Monitoring Services

Keeping your mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers safe from the latest viruses, malware, and botnet attacks is challenging for businesses of all sizes. Because employee devices are typically used in any number of locations such as home offices, airports, customer locations, etc., ensuring these assets have the latest security protections installed is crucial. Lost, stolen, or compromised devices can be a treasure trove of your company’s intellectual property and data. This could damage your reputation, give your competitors an unintended advantage, or worse.

Many people say that a company’s data is its second-most valuable asset after its employees. To be truly secure, applications like email, document collaboration, CRM, and ERP require more robust measures than just a UserID and password– this is where enterprise monitoring comes into play. 

Cloud-enabled services like Microsoft Endpoint Manager enable businesses to leverage additional capabilities like multi-factor authentication to boost the security posture of their devices.

How can Endpoint Management defend your organization?

Without modern, adaptive Endpoint protection, antivirus software can be easily bypassed, leaving your entire organization vulnerable to attacks. Learn how to prevent this.

Watch the webinar!

Cloud Applications and Platforms

If you run your company’s applications and data on a platform like Microsoft Azure, it’s critical to ensure that your applications and data are available, secure, and scalable. To serve up the content and data that your internal and external audiences need, you must understand how your cloud infrastructure is performing and be able to detect and resolve any gaps in your cloud security perimeter.

Depending on your company’s IT skillsets, you might manage your own cloud infrastructure and SaaS platforms on a centralized IT monitoring dashboard. Many companies who lack sufficient internal IT resources choose to work with a managed services provider with expertise in IT monitoring best practices and a global Help Desk to support those practices.

Businesses that adopt Software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications like Microsoft Office 365, Teams, and Dynamics 365 often find it daunting to monitor multiple cloud environments and SaaS applications, especially while planning and executing strategic projects like process automation and efforts towards digital transformation at the same time.

Consider contracting a trusted partner to oversee all of your digital services for communication, productivity, and operational data. Drawing from a partner with proven expertise in enterprise monitoring for your cloud operations can free you up to focus on internal projects and strategic business opportunities.

AV Monitoring

You may think of AV monitoring services as being an entirely “in-the-office” related offering. Yet, many remote workers in roles like sales or consulting rely heavily on audio and visual devices and applications like IP phones, speakers, cameras, and control systems.

These devices need to be monitored via AV monitoring software to ensure conferences, presentations, or meetings go smoothly. Whether you are managing in-store kiosks and displays or digital signage, the ability to remotely monitor uptime, messaging, and presentations from a central location offers unparalleled convenience and control.

Modern workplaces extend beyond the walls of offices, institutions, and industrial buildings. Trends indicate that the hybrid workplace will be the future for more workers than previously predicted.

Consolidated, real time AV monitoring software plays a critical supportive role in enabling today’s hybrid workplace ensuring that:

    • IT teams can do more with less human intervention. Real time monitoring ensures that IT teams are not overwhelmed with service notifications from several different systems and dashboards.
    • Events are prioritized by urgency and impact. With the right monitoring solution, issues affecting IT, security, and AV systems are prioritized by magnitude and importance so that critical issues can be resolved quickly.
    • All data points can be viewed in one place. There are so many endpoints, tools, and systems in a hybrid workplace. A monitoring solution that allows IT teams to view all these data points through a single pane of glass aids in analyzing patterns and making predictions to improve productivity.

Interested in learning more about Yorktel’s Continuity real time monitoring service?

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