Microsoft Ignite 2019 featured several heavy-hitting industry announcements which tackled everything from IoT to AI to next-gen analytics. It was an exciting show, in part because there are so many development initiatives right now and in part because of the resulting ambiguity around some areas of technology that are in transition. Some new offerings are not quite ready for prime time but are already getting a lot of press because of their potential impact.

One of these conversations is around the ability of traditional videoconferencing endpoints (H.323/SIP) and their ability to join Microsoft Teams meetings. Cisco’s new partnership service with Microsoft is a good example. Cisco’s Gateway service based on Cloud Video Interop (CVI) will allow Cisco Webex Room devices to join Microsoft Teams meetings. This new interoperability will benefit both Cisco and Microsoft customers in generating a smooth and seamless joining experience. The service is expected to launch in early 2020.

Yorktel’s Univago Teams Gateway, BlueJeans Gateway, Poly RealConnect and Pexip platform users who already take advantage of the CVI will now have the Cisco CVI option, representing a significant trend for this relatively large market segment.

Yorktel’s Univago Gateway Service, as a player in interoperability space, offers a slightly different twist. Yorktel’s approach to Cloud Video InterOp is vendor-agnostic. So, we evaluate the customer requirements, their business objectives, and where they are on their digital transformation journey, then recommend and implement any of the above manufacturers’ solutions including our own Univago Gateway Service. We can prioritize what makes the best sense for the customer without bias, since we have the capability to integrate and consult on all these solutions.

A key differentiator for Yorktel’s Univago Gateway Service is that we are a Managed Service provider who understands how to provide 24/7/365 global support at scale for enterprise and federal customers across many verticals. Yorktel brings over 35 years of experience to bear on our own Gateway service.  This also means Yorktel can bring this experience to customers regardless of the platform they choose and provide that seamless collaboration experience without any integration challenges.

So, the conversation around the importance of endpoints, gateways, and how these can enable a seamless transition between collaboration technologies was a hot topic at this year’s Microsoft Ignite. Clarifying the pros and cons of these options would prove wise when guiding customers, thanks to the dynamic nature of available technologies. We’re sure there will be more exciting developments in this area as additional industry players launch their own gateway and endpoint solutions and services.

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