Imagine being able to take your video enabled mobile device (iPad, Samsung Galaxy pad, etc.) and start a video conversation from:

  • Your home (home WiFi network) then…
  • Commute to the office (4G network) then…
  • Walk over to your desk (Office Wifi)


You are able to transition from one network to another while maintaining your same device IP address and seamlessly finish the video call in your office.

One of the big announcements by John Chambers during CiscoLive, the LISP protocol will enable the next step in Unified Communications. True enterprise device mobility via LISP will allow users to roam freely without needing to reestablish or negotiate new network connections when moving from one network to another. Yorktel’s Cloud Service offerings will benefit most from this technology.

This continues the evolution of real time communications by blurring even more the domain of consumer/enterprise devices and further promotes the current BYOD trends.


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