For a long time across many industries, Big Data was the King of IT. The more numbers you extrapolated from whatever your lines of business, the bigger IT clout you had. It could be said that “I have more data than you!” was the favorite quote (gloat) of any enterprise that could generate spreadsheets.

But however impressive, reams of numbers don’t necessarily translate into meaningful business benefits. The correct angle of analysis, trend recognition, and intelligent deductions, grounded in Managed Services expertise, can reveal hidden time and money drains on your IT infrastructure.

Uncover Hidden Insights from Your Data

Intelligent Reporting and Data Analytics can have several beneficial impacts on your organization. Most importantly, they can provide insights on how you can optimize costs, achieving more ROI. Unearthing the nuances behind these numbers can empower you to make actionable decisions that will align your data with your strategic business objectives and enhance your bottom line.

Reporting and Data Analytics can also demonstrate how to best leverage your organization’s real-time and historical data. Artificial Intelligence and algorithms process your data to identify patterns and trends, automate alerts, and anticipate future business anomalies. These sophisticated tools are a far cry from the spreadsheets of yesteryear.

Enhance Your Customer Relationships

How high do your customers rank on your list of priorities? Pretty close to the top, I’m guessing, since they generate your revenue and play a significant role in defining your market presence. Reporting and Data Analytics can provide you with insights on how to predict customer behavior based on their buying decisions, their business goals, their own user needs, and more. Understanding what your customers seek can illuminate the factors that play into their decision-making process and give you a keener understanding of how to market your products to their needs.

Does Your MSP Measure Up?

When evaluating a Managed Services Provider, be sure they have expertise in understanding the unique relationship between Reporting and Analytics, and the potential that each distinct practice can bring to your organization. Ideally, your MSP will monitor your device availability, errors, utilization, and licensing thresholds to identify potential issues before they become disruptive to your business objectives.

Your MSP should be able to provide an aggregated dashboard reflecting real-time behavior across your IT environment. This dashboard view and its accompanying reports tell the story behind the numbers, showing trends and patterns which would be much more difficult to discern from a spreadsheet.

Effective Reporting and Analytics empowers you with the information you need to make the best business decisions, maximizing your digital workspace and driving the change that generates measurable ROI for your organization.

This post was derived from Yorktel’s article in Sound & Communications Magazine’s October 2019 edition. The article will appear in its entirety here on October 16.

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