Download our White Paper:
Microsoft Teams Calling for the Modern Workplace & Worker

Over the last five years, a number of collaboration and communications tools have entered the workplace, including conferencing and messaging platforms, file share programs and Skype, followed by Teams and numerous other presence tools, that, added to the organization’s existing phone system and email server, resulted in an unhealthy smorgasbord. Users gained productivity tools with more features in exchange for fractured workflows, and organizations began to seek more uniformity.

Microsoft Teams has risen as a unifying platform that replaces many of the disparate options that organizations were struggling to integrate within a streamlined workflow. It reduced time and resources spent on weighed-down user workflows and eliminated the nightmare of disparate UC&C elements, with the exception of legacy phone systems.

In this whitepaper, you will learn how Microsoft Teams Calling removes inefficiencies and unifies voice in the context of an organization’s entire digital ecosystem; the different paths for migrating to Microsoft Teams Calling; and key factors in choosing a partner to implement this vital part of a digital workplace transformation strategy.

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